I cannot wait to photograph this loving couple’s wedding in a few hours! I had so much fun during our engagement session back in May. I am sooo excited for you, dear Jenn and Michael!
A few days ago I had the pleasure of photographing a happy couple for their wedding announcement in The New York Times.
I had to do some research on the subject before planning our photo shoot. As it turned out, submission requirements and guidelines are very specific but not that complicated.
Here are five most important things you need to know before submitting your photo:
1) Remember to deliver requests for marriage or commitment announcements at least six weeks before the legal event
2) Register and log in to your account on https://myaccount.nytimes.com/
3) Make sure that your photo, information, and write-up are ready and meet all the guidelines
4) Remember, couples posing for pictures should arrange themselves with their eyebrows on the same level and with their heads fairly close together with plenty of space at the top and sides of the couple’s heads.
5) The Times does not charge for publishing these reports, but space is limited and they do not guarantee publication.
And we made it to The New York Times! A printed wedding announcement was published on Sunday, October 5th in Sunday Styles section.
Schedule your own NYTimes weddings photo session, contact Tatiana at [email protected] or call 212.300.3897